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Setting Captives Free

In these conferences (AVAILABLE HERE AS .MP3 DOWNLOAD) Father Gallagher presents to spiritual directors new insights and applications of the rules for the discernment of spirits. These recordings expound on the personal reflections included in his latest book, Setting Captives Free. St. Ignatius’ guidelines set captives free from the discouragement and sadness of spiritual desolation. They offer hope precisely where persons may have felt hope was not possible—and so release new energy for the spiritual journey.

Setting Captives Free

$29.95 Regular Price
$14.98Sale Price
  • Customers who purchase this title will be sent a link to dowload the file in .mp3 format with 6 chapter markers corresponding the the 6 discs of the CD Set.

  • The book upon which these conferences are based, Setting Captives Free, is available in the Books collection of the Store. These conference recordings are also available as a 6-CD Set available here.

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